KC Homes & Style
Stars 2022: Suma Design & Construction
L u x u r y C o n t e m p o r a r y H o m e B u i...More
1402 0Stars 2022: Be Home, LLC
T o p C u s t o m H o m e B u i l d e r BeHome, LLC When late actress...More
1232 0Stars 2022: Karin Ross Designs
K i t c h e n & B a t h R e m o d e l e r Karin Ross Designs Patience...More
709 0Stars 2022: Gaumats International
A r t i s a n R e m o d e l e r Gaumats International Do you know that feeling you get...More
1092 0Stars 2022: Stumpff HomeWorks
W h o l e H o u s e R e m o d e l e r Stumpff HomeWorks Stumpff HomeWorks. That is...More
1355 0Vacation at Home
More than a weekend escape, this fully renovated home at Lake Lotawana checks all the boxes for the ideal second home. Story by Ann Butenas ...More
2135 0Masterful Magic
An unlikely long-distance collaboration between a Kansas City designer and a Richmond, Missouri, couple turned into an incredible work of art and an ever-lasting friendship....More
3552 0Backyard Bliss
On a dreamy property overlooking Parkville’s sprawling The National Golf Club, a couple and their young daughter create the ultimate escape in their own backyard....More
2083 0Serving Up Style
This Leawood kitchen remodel offers abundant space, functionality, and taste with its efficient design and dramatic touches. Story by Ann Butenas | Photography by Paul...More
1437 0