NKBA: Designer Showcase

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I am Amy Hersch and I have been creating space where there is none for over 20 years. I love designing kitchens and bathrooms for clients because they are such a challenge. They have lots of different things you need to worry about such as plumbing, electrical, venting, and spacing.

As a homeowner you may not have the expertise to handle all of that yourself or may not want to do it all by yourself. That is why hiring a Certified Kitchen/Bath Designer is important when you go to remodel your kitchen or bathroom. You know they have had to pass an exam saying they are competent in all these aspects of design.  

I have worked in many parts of our country doing kitchen and bath design. I went to school in Michigan, and worked there for a few years after I graduated, then moved to Chicago. There my design soared to new levels and had experience with many different cabinet and suppliers to the design business. After I got married, I moved to Georgia, then to Kentucky, Western Kentucky University to be specific, where I taught interior design. I am now in the Kansas City area where I teach Interior Design at Johnson County Community College and Park University. I love the teaching aspect of Interior Design. I really try to give my students a real-world experience along with their studies in school.

I currently work with clients on a referral basis and help with space planning, tile selection and specifying fixtures, furnishings, or materials for the design as well as whatever else the client needs. Creating more space for you as well as making dreams come true. It is what I do. Design a Great Day!

Amy Hersch


Evolved Design Concepts

(913) 333-2313    |    amy@designagreatday.com

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