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Centuries of feeling better head to toe.

Intro photo courtesy of Yoga Design Lab

2023 resolutions. Exercise. Diet. Sleep. Rather than over-committing and setting yourself up for failure by jumping into an exercise regime that is outside your realm, why not give yoga a try? It offers many physical and mental levels allowing you to select one that is right for you.

As you grow along with your experience, yoga provides the opportunity to get in tune with your body and inner self. It builds strength, awareness, and harmony in both the mind and body. 

perfect for beginners

With yoga offering so many different varieties, there are many opportunities for one just wanting to dip their toe into yoga practices. Unlike many other physical exercises, one’s fitness level doesn’t play as big a role as there are modifications that can be made for every yoga pose. With the variety of beginner classes available, it is easy to get started without feeling inadequate.


Known for creating that happy feeling by releasing mood-improving chemicals, practicing yoga regularly aids in mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration. 

stress reducer

One of yoga’s most valuable rewards is helping one manage stress. Stress wears down an individual, mentally and physically. Sneaking up on you, stress can appear in irritability, lack of concentration, interrupted sleep, headaches, and neck aches. Practicing yoga helps one create skills to cope with stress, leading to more of a positive outlook.


Yoga’s relaxation techniques are tenfold. Increased flexibility tops the charts along with seeing improvement in one’s muscle tone and strength. Breathing plays a main role in yoga leading to improved energy and respiration, with weight loss being a happy result. With improved athletic performance, one will also benefit from better circulatory and cardio health.


Have mat, can travel. Space flexibility is a big bonus of yoga. Take advantage of a warm, sunny break in the temps on your deck. Turn your living room corner into that perfect yoga spot. The right yoga equipment is as versatile as you need it to be and readily available. Prefer to be in a group setting? Join a class at a local gym. Not only will that allow one to get guidance and feedback on their progress, but it can also help dissipate that feeling of loneliness. 

A resolution to better yourself in 2023 is within reach, with just a little stretch every day.

Yoga 2-Block Pack

$16.98    |

Yoga Mat Bag Tribeca Sand

$74    |

Yoga Wheel Mandala Night

$54    |

9’ Yoga Strap with Pouch

$26    |


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