Where Symmetry and Balance Take the Lead

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Boasting strong architectural features and inspiring floral designs, this neatly-manicured Mission Hills garden creates an elegant yet inviting setting.

Story by Ann Butenas   |   Photos by Matt Kocourek

There is no better way to usher in the spring season than with a beautifully-manicured lawn, a bounty of flowers, a classic landscaped garden, and a bit of horticultural whimsy thrown into to the mix for a bit of fun and entertainment.

This Mission Hills garden stands as the epitome of classic landscape art. Designed, installed and managed by the professionals at Rosehill Gardens, this luxurious palette of plant material is not just for one’s viewing pleasure; it is also to be experienced. Set among a large corner lot, the overall property enjoys a classic layout and design, which is perfect for this veritable garden spot.

“This is a classic, formal garden, all of which is enclosed with a green garden wall of junipers and arched iron entry gates,” noted Steve Heichel, landscape designer, BSLA, of Rosehill Gardens.

While quite formal in its overall statement, this garden also offers some softer and relaxed elements, all framed by casual walkways and distinct edges. Mason-laid brick walkways and gravel path, along with boxwood hedges act as a stylish frame, working symmetrically with formal juniper green wall backdrops pruned to look like a boxed-off wall.

“This garden is English-based in style, which complements the very classic home,” said Heichel.

No matter the season, the space sets its own unique stage with tulips and pansies for a delightful spring appeal, which will be followed by a bit of showy summer flowers for more fun in the sun, and eventually closing out the year with an array of delightful mums.

“With both shade garden plantings and sun plantings, it allows the garden to carry all styles of flowers,” said Heichel.

The structured lines of the overall garden lead your eye to distinct focal points, ensuring one the chance to breathe in everything this space has to offer. Among its many focal points are the four quadrant gardens, inviting gravel and brick walking paths, a sunflower garden, and the circular garden comprised of pansies and neatly framed by boxwood hedges. The red emperor tulips, the earliest of tulips, heralds a bright spring after a long winter. A pedestal urn offers the perfect setting for pansies, forsythia and snapdragons to play on a beautiful day. In the summer months, a variety of impatiens and ferns decorate the urn. Columnar hicksii yews frame the gravel walking path. Making the garden especially fun for kids to enjoy are the three boxwoods carved into the shape of little playful bears.

“This garden invites you to explore and walk through it, enjoying the different vistas and views,” expressed Heichel. “It is all about the gardens, walkways, and patio areas, giving ample opportunities to explore classic, formal gardens for their fragrance and beauty,” reflected Heichel.

Project by: Steve Heichel, Rosehill Gardens


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