The Season of Change

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Just as our seasons ease from summer into fall, it is simpler than you think to change the “season” of a room, turning it into one of your favorite spots in your home. We visited with Brenda Freebern, owner of Picture Perfect Interiors, as she shared how easy it is to get that Fresh Traditional look by doing just a few simple things.

Photo courtesy of Picture Perfect Interiors   |

KCH&S: There’s a room in your home that you just aren’t in love with. Where would one even begin when wanting to change it up?

FREEBERN: Your room can be changed without replacing every piece in it! There are so many easy changes you can do, including reupholstering, painting and accessorizing. Take a look around the room and note the things that just don’t speak to you anymore.

KCH&S: You mention painting. What colors are trending? And we hear wallpaper is on the comeback, tell us more about that.

FREEBERN: It is so simple to make a big impact by starting with the walls. Fresh color is not always gray! We are seeing a resurgence of browns and beige leaning toward the cool side of the pallet. Wallcovering is HUGE! Large scale geometrics and graphics are trending along with, yes, textures including grass cloth.

KCH&S: What if someone has quality upholstered furniture but has tired of the fabric. What options do they have?

FREEBERN: Slipcovers and reupholstery are always classic. Slipcovers will allow you to change for a season. Investing in timeless lines of good quality upholstery in neutral fabrics will set the scene for years to come.

KCH&S: What can one do to really make a room pop?

FREEBERN: Layering accent colors by using in an unexpected color or texture on the ceiling or on accent tape on existing drapery panels is just the first step. Use the new color in at least three places to ground the pallet. The shine of metallic will also liven up a room.  It doesn’t have to always be color.

KCH&S: What if there are some favorite items that you just can’t part with – how do those make it into the new room?

FREEBERN: Don’t toss everything you have! Look with a creative eye at how to repurpose your own accessories and lighting… that’s how they become classics. Can the finish be changed on a lamp, can a shade be changed, or can treasures be grouped on a tray   for impact?

KCH&S: Thinking of your favorite room, what secrets did you do to make it have that special feeling?

FREEBERN: Lighter, fresh, happy! With life so busy and so much turmoil everywhere you look these days, your home should be a calming and restful place to be. Bring in the light and freshness of easy to live with colors and fabrics, and clean uncluttered spaces. Less accessories, but each one needs to be important!

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