Stars 2022: Lindsay Schulze

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T o p  R e a l  E s t a t e  A g e n t

Lindsay Schulze

“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even about what you have accomplished.It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”  ~ Denzel Washington, actor

As a Senior Sales Executive and partner with ReeceNichols, Lindsay Schulze is no stranger to hard work and the success that follows. A top producer for the #1 Koehler Bortnick Team, Schulze was a $51+ million-dollar producer in 2021 and is on track to eclipse $60 million by the end of this year. As a record-setting agent and the highest producing agent in the history of Reece Nichols Realtors, the accolades and accomplishments continually pour in for Schulze. However, that is not necessarily what has made the most impact on her career. While she has been in the professional spotlight countless times, Schulze prefers to shine that light on others.

When she began her career, Schulze had a huge dream to not only build a business and create a legacy, but to also impact the lives of others positively through her work. But dreams don’t just magically come true, they are the result of hard work, persistence, dedication, sacrifice, and passion. Throughout the years, Schulze has done her best for every client she has served and by doing this, she continually puts herself in the best place for the next transaction.

“This job is about who you are and what you can deliver to your clients,” Schulze reflected. “I love this job and would never trade what I do for the world. It’s a significant part of my life. Many of my clients become my good friends and taking care of them is a true pleasure for me.”

A significant aspect of her overall work philosophy is to live the proverb “do unto others” on a daily basis. Schulze does this naturally. She understands how acts of kindness not only improve the lives of others but also foster a sense of community.

“It’s so important, especially in such a chaotic time in our lives, to give to others as we can,” reflected Schulze. “I believe in giving back as much as you can. Our world is in a chaotic state right now, we all need to share a little more love.”

Among the many charitable causes to which Schulze contributes, whether in time or in resources, include her church, New Beginnings Dog Rescue, Wayside Waifs, The Michael J. Fox Foundation, Susan G. Komen, BBBS, Children’s Mercy, her children’s school, and many more. Giving to organizations and causes that hold significance and meaning to her fuels her spirit.

Schulze also does not fall prey to negativity, even when news headlines and gossip engines might be screaming otherwise. To her, life is good, and as a result, that positivity is what she continually emphasizes. Schulze looks for the good in life – and in others – and shares that with everyone she encounters.

“I keep my conversations positive,” she smiled. “From my perspective, everything is great, and the market is doing all it needs to do.”

Schulze realizes it is easy to hop on the proverbial roller coaster that is the real estate market today, but she emphasizes the urgency to not get all caught up in it and lose sight of the important things in life.

“I have come to realize the importance of family,” she reflected. “Time with them is a priority, as you don’t get those moments back. I strive every day to not get caught up in the chaos, so I don’t lose sight of what truly matters.”

Schulze understands the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and also appreciates that buying and/or selling a home can be quite stressful.  As such, she works diligently to ensure her clients feel supported and happy throughout the entire process.

“You just do a good job and continually keep your clients informed,” she indicated. “It’s always important to follow through and remain continually available, ensuring that each client’s transaction is the best transaction ever.”

You can tell she works from her heart; her clients mean the  world to her. 

913.485.7211    |

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