Stars 2022: Be Home, LLC

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T o p  C u s t o m  H o m e  B u i l d e r

BeHome, LLC

When late actress Judy Garland, who portrayed Dorothy in the 1939 classic film, The Wizard of Oz, said, “There’s no place like home,” she could easily have been foretelling the overall philosophy of what Mike Powell, owner of BeHome, LLC, has built his award-winning home construction business upon.

Powell believes in getting to the heart of the home with each project he undertakes. With that at top of mind, he and his team view family as the foundation of the home. That is the focal point and the starting point for him. The home is then constructed around that ideal.

With more than two decades in the home construction business, Powell has a deep understanding of what people want. His creativity, insight, and innovative ideas have catapulted him to become one of the metro area’s most recognizable builders. So, it’s no surprise he was named “Generational Builder of the Year” in 2021 by the Kansas City Home Builder’s Association, over which he serves as Chairman.

Powell began his career as a national construction lender, but he could not deny his real passion for residential home construction. Thankfully, he followed his heart and has made countless families extremely happy as he takes their vision for what they want in a dream home and brings it to life.

As a provider of custom and smart homes in Missouri and Kansas, Powell has left his mark throughout the metro and surrounding areas. He is a builder of distinction, and one peek into his portfolio will make you understand why.

One of his captivating floor plans is the Renew, an example of which is located at Lake Winnebago with a model coming soon in the Palisades in Riverside, Missouri. This home stands out as a true showcase and is turning heads as it continues to steal the spotlight.

“We customize any and all of our floor plans,” indicated Powell. “Owners of this particular design at Lake Winnebago gave us their ideas for this model and essentially took it to the next level with their vision. They modified the Renew plan and made it more modern, turning it into a cool estate-level home.”

As Powell begins construction on the Palisades model of the Renew floorplan, he will increase its footprint by 1000 feet, already giving it a head start on the one-of-a-kind dream home it will become.

“We do what no other builder does by taking our plans and enhancing them,” explained Powell, who gives a strong nod to his designer, Hannah Kinsey and the expertise she brings to the table as she works with clients throughout the entire process providing a high level of design expertise along the way. 

When working with clients, Powell asks thoughtful questions to determine how he can bring their vision to life. He asks them to show him their three favorite homes they wish their new home could look like, and then he and his team take the common characteristics from those and apply them to one of his own floor plans. He takes all of the ideas and adapts them in an affordable method. He then implements a Red Line Drawing, an approach which uses architectural drawings to show how the modifications will look per site requirements.

“This approach completely transforms the home,” he emphasized. “I almost challenge clients to test me and push the boundaries. I want to see what we can accomplish using their vision when applied to what I can build. Our goal is to make each home authentic to the client.”

Powell has homes in about a dozen or so communities all over the city at varying price points, although his two main price categories fall in the $450,000 – $600,000 range and the $1 million+ price tag. He has also developed communities in the past with partners but anticipates his first solo development soon in Raymore, Missouri, with 503 available lots at three different price points: entry level, mid-range, and high-end.

It goes without saying that Powell and his team are dedicated to ensuring clients have the most educational, most engaging, most enjoyable, and most memorable home building experience, making home the nicest word there is.

816.988.7605    |

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