Small and Mighty

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The saying good things come in small packages definitely applies to these tiny early spring bloomers. After a long, cold winter, these mighty little flowers push their way up to the sunshine, many times appearing through the late spring snows we’re too well known for.

These smaller, minor bulbs and tubers add a variety of colors and shapes to our gardens, providing a natural wildflower look and growing easily in mixed settings or borders. They require little care and provide a naturalistic sweep of color before most plants grow. With most of these being only 4-6” tall, planting them in groupings and upfront close to the border, will bring the most cheer to your garden.

To enjoy these little spring treasurers, now is the time to get them started. September is the perfect month to hit the nursery and pick out these miniatures and get them in the ground. The more the merrier as many of these tiny bulbs will multiple over the years, providing even more eye candy to your garden.

Descriptions below are from left to right….

Crocus:  This favorite spring flower provides bright, bold color in early spring, often popping up through the snow. The grassy foliage remains attractive after the crocus flowers have faded. Grows to 4-6”.

Scilla:  Also known as squill, these miniature flower bulbs produce a carpet of bright cobalt blue, bell-shaped blooms when planted en masse. Grows to about 8”.

Dwarf Daffodils:  If you are a daffodil lover, these little beauties are for you. Growing only 4-6” tall with adorable little flowers that are just 1.5” wide, these are perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Grape Hyacinth:  Purplish-blue is the most common color for grape hyacinth, but this lovely little flower is also available in white. Grape hyacinths tend to be inexpensive, so plant several of these small space bulbs for a carpet of color. Grows to about 6”.

Snowdrop:  These tiny white flowers with green markings at the end of arching stems often poke their head up through snow cover if present. Only 3-6” tall, their common name refers to the resemblance of the flowers to drops of snow.

Anemone Blanda:  These little flowers with their dark blue petals and sunny little daisy-like centers bloom for 6-8 weeks. These plants, also known as Grecian Windflowers, spread out to form a carpet of flowers in the spring, growing 4-8” tall.

Glory-of-the-Snow:  Named because it commonly blooms early enough that it is seen poking through the snow, is usually seen in pale blue with a white center, but varieties of white and pink flowers are available. Grows about 6” tall.

Winter Aconite:  This little perennial with its buttercup-like blooms is actually a tuber, rather than a bulb. It doesn’t mind a touch of frost and like many others here, frequently come up through the snow. Grows 3-8”.

Dwarf Iris:  These 4” tall beauties have grass-like leaves with a purple-hued flower with yellow markings. They burst into bloom late winter to early spring, brightening your garden and telling you spring is on the way!

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