NKBA Designer Showcase

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My name is Georgia Fuchs and I am the current Communications Director for the ASID Missouri West-Kansas chapter. I have been on the board for NKBA for the last 4 years as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Nebraska-Kansas Chapter. So, I have been very involved with our local organizations!

I am a native Kansas Citian. I love our city and have always been interested in the arts throughout my life. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Kansas. I went back to school at Johnson County Community College to earn my degree in Interior Design, specializing in Kitchen and Bath. During the program I earned the Student of the Year award for 2017. At the end of the program, I passed the AKBD (Associate Kitchen and Bath Designer) certification through NKBA! I have won three Gold Heartland Design Awards since 2020 for Specialty Entertaining, bathroom over 150sf and a bathroom less than 150sf.

I started my own business, Georgia Fuchs Interior Design, LLC. in 2017 and I haven’t looked back. It has been a passion of mine before I received my degree. My design style is to design with the client in mind. My focus is to design something functional, stylish, in budget and timeless. There are a lot of trends out there, but I always tell my client, what is trending specifically for them is what they love and works best in their space. Take a look at the photos and you will see the variety of styles I have been privileged to design. The design principle as stated by Louis Sullivan, an architect in the late 1800’s, “Form follows function” is the way I view design.

Georgia Fuchs 

AKBD, Member of NKBA, Allied ASID, Communications Director – Missouri West-Kansas Chapter

913.645.8902    |    geodesigninteriors@gmail.com

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