Is Your Backyard Bugging You?

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Story by Cheri Woodsmall

Ah, Spring! Can you smell it? The rich, loamy scent of the earth. The flowery scent of a cool breeze. The heavy, green smell of fresh rain. Spring is such a wonderful time of year! People are starting to spend a lot more time celebrating the season with family and friends in their outdoor living spaces and backyards. But guess who else loves this glorious time of year? Those pesky little flies and insects!

Kansas City pest control is critical this time of year, but can also be a bit overwhelming. Where do you start? What options are available to keep your 2nd favorite living area bug-free? And most importantly, how do you keep your family safe from tick and mosquito bites?

We spoke with Paul Friedrichs, the owner of United Mosquito and Fly Control and he gave us a few tips on how to control pests in your backyard. “One of the main culprits that attract insects and mosquitos is standing water. Also, be mindful of your gutters and check them often for blockages. Gutters in Missouri are often overlooked in the spring and summer, but it is important to make sure they aren’t plugged with dead leaves and brush from the cold season. Insects thrive in this environment.”

Along with keeping things clean, be proactive as well. “There are hundreds of options on the market now for pest control, from your basic DIY spray to the much more high-tech, low-maintenance option that we offer,” explains Paul. “We provide homeowners with an automated misting system that is very popular right now. Homeowners love the fact that they don’t have to do a thing and have a completely bug free season allowing them to spend time enjoying their families and keeping them safe.”




Keeping You Safe

Along with just being annoying, insects can also pose significant health risks to you and your family. Ants can contaminate food and house flies have been known to carry more than 100 different kinds of disease-carrying germs. Mosquitoes can leave behind much more than just an itchy red bite, and are known to carry diseases like West Nile virus, malaria and dengue fever.

Dr. Carissa Stanton, pediatrician at KU Medical Center tells us, “Stinging insects send more than a half million people to the emergency room each year, and are especially active during the second half of summer when the colonies forage for food that will sustain their queens during winter. Yellow jackets, in particular, pose a significant health threat as they may sting repeatedly and can cause allergic reactions.”

A few tips Dr. Stanton offers:

  • Cover skin with clothing, hats, closed toed shoes. Avoid scented products on your body that may attract insects.
  • Insect bites bug you, but from the medical standpoint mosquitoes (because of viruses like West Nile) and ticks (because of illnesses like Lyme disease) are most important to repel.
  • Most chemical repellents repel mosquitoes well. Some repel ticks better than others, so if ticks are a concern then make the choice based on risk of disease. It is important to check skin for ticks because it may prevent infection if removed early.
  • It’s important to wash children and their clothes when they come indoors, and check their skin for bites and ticks.
  • Do not use chemical repellent before age 2 months, for some repellents it’s best to avoid before age 6 months
  • Repellents placed on skin and clothing are best. Bracelets and devices are less effective.
  • Bottom line: You have to make best choice based on the risk of mosquito and tick disease with the situation and area and the benefits of the different Kansas City pest control services and chemical repellents.

Keep your family safe this spring and summer season by following this great advice. Good luck and enjoy the season!

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