ASID Trends: Home Spa Retreats

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W h a t’ s  H o t  N o w

H O M E  S P A  R E T R E A T S

Imagine for a moment, a relaxing spa retreat just outside your door. A space built with organic, nature-inspired materials bringing serenity and connection with the earth. You are guided by flagstone winding pathways down the landscape to your private sauna, open to the glorious breeze with smells from the nearby garden but shielded by the curved stone wall for privacy.

Winding pathways, natural materials, and intriguing hide-away features have never been more desirable in outdoor living spaces. Your desire to transport yourself to your favorite spa destination just became possible, and it’s right outside your door.

Christine Julian

Interior Designer @ CJI Design Group 

785.380.9929     |     | 

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