ASID Trends: Art Deco Revival

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A R T  D E C O  R E V I V A L

Art Deco is back, but this time look out for its modern twist.

Tambour wood (beaded wood) is a nod back to the Art Deco era but now it’s paired with modern products like Fenix cabinetry, quartz, and metal accents.

Keep your eye out for black and gold in plumbing, light fixtures, and round mirrors. Tile companies, like Ann Saks, just added a collection with the Art Deco fan, showing it off in a modern large format. Texture has been brought in but isn’t taking over.

Infusing the use of arches in your walls and cabinet cutouts brings in playful sophistication. 

2024 Color Collections from PPG and Sherwin Williams are showing warm blushes, merlot, teals, blues, and greens (jewel tones) – all colors from the Art Deco era. 

Not ready for a big switchover? Have fun trying out the Art Deco look in everyday dishes and bedding.

Amy Migliazzo

Allied ASID

Amiglia Design Group, llc

913.963.9715     | 

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